Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Write a thesis driven analysis paper of the book The Lathe of Heaven Essay

Write a thesis driven analysis paper of the book The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin - Essay Example to achieve access to the flowing power available through the fourth concept of cosmic energy while the fifth founding element refers to the flowing waters and winds of change and motion. These concepts are called Wu Wei (actionless action), Te (flowing power through living simply), Ch’I (cosmic energy) and Feng-Shui (winds and waters of change) (Hundoble, 1999). LeGuin weaves all five of these concepts into the storyline of the novel as it traces the progression of George Orr and his psychiatrist Dr. William Haber as they examine the limits of George’s abilities to change reality. The concept of Yin and Yang are contained within the character of George himself. Physically, he is not tall or short, blond or brunette. When he meets new people, Heather Lelache for instance, he strikes them as almost repulsively weak but also as amazingly strong. â€Å"The man struck her as not exactly feeble-minded, but revoltingly simple† (41) are Heather’s thoughts early in their first meeting, quickly revised to â€Å"now she thought that he certainly wouldn’t squash if she stepped on him, nor crunch, nor even crack. He was peculiarly solid† (45). When he discusses things that have been happening in his life, he does so with a great deal of equanimity, not seeming to pass judgment upon others, but not granting approval for their actions either. This idea of George representing the perfect balance of Yin and Yang is finally confirmed by Dr. Haber himself when he tells George the results of the tests that were run on him: â€Å"Where there’s an opposed pair, a polarity, you’re in the middle; where there’s a scale, you’re at the balance point. †¦ you’re the man in the middle of the graph† (137). The concept of actionless action is brought out in the discussions George tries to hold with Dr. Haber regarding the changes that are being made through his dreams. This is particularly well-illustrated in the discussion he has with the doctor regarding the

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